Saturday, September 1, 2012

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity-Jig.

Welp, my food options got pretty limited by the end of the week.  Good thing I'm home for the holiday weekend and can get some serious cooking done!

Wednesday night I scrounged through the fridge and freezer and managed to throw together a decent meal.

Cooked quinoa heated in a frying pan with frozen carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, and potatoes.
Plus a bowl of frozen fruit that I thawed.

Thursday's lunch was another pathetic example of the healthy options for me in the university union.
A raw veggie cup, bag of brown rice chips, and a soy chai latte. (All a little overpriced of course.)

I drove home Friday morning and arrived around 12:30 pm, just in time for lunch! My first stop in town (after dropping clothes off at my parents of course) was the local health food store.  Then home to whip up an easy, tasty, healthy pizza.

Gluten free tortilla with organic tomato sauce and spinach leaves, baked at 350 degrees for 15 or so minutes. Basically until the tortilla was brown around the edges.  Delish!!

Many more Labor Day weekend cooking pics to come!

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