Thursday, November 1, 2012

I've moved...

New blog. New address. New recipes. New awesomeness.

All of my content will now be found at

Check it out.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cooking Marathon Recap #2: Breakfast Dishes

Day two of the Labor Day weekend cooking craziness was the most intense. Sara and I started at 11 a.m. and called it a day at 1 a.m. We were very productive during those 14 hours.

We kicked it off with breakfast food recipes and up first was an adapted version of the granola I fell in love with last month.

The allergy ingredient modifications to my already adapted granola recipe are:

5 gluten free brown rice cakes
1/2 cup quinoa flakes
1/2 cup mixed nuts sunflower seeds
1/3 cup agave nectar
5 Tbs. olive oil
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 cup dried fruit (Banana in this batch)

The directions for baking it are the same as before.

Sara and I made four pans of the yummy stuff!

The second breakfast item we dished out was apple filled pancakes. Words cannot describe how amazingly delicious these are. It's like biting into an apple pie pastry but without all the additives. Sooooo delectable.

Slice a few apples. However many pancakes you anticipate making.

Mix up a pancake batter.

I used this gluten free pancake mix from Cherrybrook Kitchen because it was seriously the only mix in the gluten free baking section of the Natural Groceries that met all my allergy requirements. A lot of gluten-free mixes have corn in them and that's on my don't-eat-or-else list. It was quite the happy accident that only one box met my needs, because this pancake mix is the best mix (gluten-free or otherwise) that I have ever had. Ever.

Once the batter is ready, dip the apple slices into the batter and cook as per box instructions.

For me it was two minutes on each side of the cake. 

The filling is perfectly cooked and oh so good. I will add cinnamon next time though, that would really knock these out of the park.

This is the quantity we had after eating a few stacks for lunch. Hey, cooking really works up an appetite!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cooking Marathon Recap #1: Saturday Prep Night

Alright, I took quite the hiatus from blogging, but only because I've been très busy with school, work, and an improved social life.

Plus, I got my test results back from my food sensitivities blood work and that has been a lot of information to digest.

I am back, however, and ready to give the 411 on the cooking craziness that happened the past few weeks.

First things first. In light of my allergy results, all recipes featured from here on out will be free of...

green beans
lima beans
pinto beans
red beans
brazil nuts
brussel sprouts
blue cheese
cheddar cheese
egg yolk
honeydew melon
cow's milk
goat's milk
black-eyed peas
cayenne pepper
red pepper
black walnuts
baker's yeast

And now you see why I might have been a bit overwhelmed.

Anyways, after receiving my test results, Sara and I sorted out a slightly daunting list of recipes to make during the three days I was home for Labor Day and then headed to Natural Groceries to stock up on ingredients.

A cutesy cousin with a cutie pumpkin! We get a little bit silly when shopping... and basically doing anything.

With a few hours of shopping under our belts, we returned home with two shopping carts worth of groceries and then started on food preparation. 

By the end of the night, all the vegetables needed for the recipes were chopped, the beans were soaking, and the squash, pumpkin, and beets were cubed and steamed.


It was a lot of work, but everything was ready to go for Sunday, when the real work began.

That's one stocked fridge!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

So, So Much Cooking

Sara and I had quite the cooking extravaganza over the long weekend. It was so intense that even posting about it is overwhelming. We have So. Much. Food.

I doubt I will have to do any serious food prep for the next month.

Here's a sneak preview until I get the nerve to sit down and sort out all the photos from Saturday, Sunday, and Monday's marathon.

Note: we made the granola, not the bananas.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity-Jig.

Welp, my food options got pretty limited by the end of the week.  Good thing I'm home for the holiday weekend and can get some serious cooking done!

Wednesday night I scrounged through the fridge and freezer and managed to throw together a decent meal.

Cooked quinoa heated in a frying pan with frozen carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, and potatoes.
Plus a bowl of frozen fruit that I thawed.

Thursday's lunch was another pathetic example of the healthy options for me in the university union.
A raw veggie cup, bag of brown rice chips, and a soy chai latte. (All a little overpriced of course.)

I drove home Friday morning and arrived around 12:30 pm, just in time for lunch! My first stop in town (after dropping clothes off at my parents of course) was the local health food store.  Then home to whip up an easy, tasty, healthy pizza.

Gluten free tortilla with organic tomato sauce and spinach leaves, baked at 350 degrees for 15 or so minutes. Basically until the tortilla was brown around the edges.  Delish!!

Many more Labor Day weekend cooking pics to come!