Saturday, August 25, 2012


Yesterday's appointment with the natural health doctor was via phone since I'm living the university life again.  I was really hoping he'd tell me my food allergy test results are in and then say those glorious words I'm dying to hear: "you aren't allergic to oats."

Alas, my food sensitivities blood work has not come back yet.  Perhaps next week, but likely the week after.  Two more weeks of living an oatless life. 

I'm trying to accept that I may not get the news I want when the time does come, but hey a girl can dream right? The past several weeks I've been cooking under the assumption that this no-oat diet is temporary. But, my goal this weekend is to make an oat-free and gluten-free granola snack. Maybe a few tasty non-oat snack recipes in my repertoire will soften the blow I'm anticipating any week now. Granola pics to come!

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