Saturday, August 18, 2012

Drive-In Treats

Last Friday was movie night. Specifically drive-in movie night. I adore the drive-in. It's much fun and fantastically affordable for the small budget student such as myself. The Starlite in Wichita is my theater of choice. I think it might be the only drive-in left in the state, but regardless it is definitely the only one left within 50 miles of my house. They charge $5 per person (or $10 per carload depending on the season) and you get to see three movies. If sitting in your car watching movies with the radio or outside in lawn chairs isn't awesome enough, it is one heck of a deal too.

The first movie usually starts around 9pm, aka. dusk, so I try to leave the house around 8. However, the movie night prep work begins much earlier in the day with snack preparations. Usually I spend the afternoon making granola bars and all sorts of yummy treats to munch on all night, but once again I got some sad food news from my doctor and I'm off oats for several weeks. Apparently feeling ill a few hours after I eat oats each day isn't a coincidence. We're hoping it's just the gluten in the oats and I'll be able to switch to gluten free and continue my oatmeal-centric lifestyle, but who knows, maybe I'm allergic to oats. I'll know for sure when my food sensitivities blood work comes back, but until then I am off oats.

Oats are my go-to snack ingredient, so for last week's drive-in I had to rack my brain for something tasty that did not contain oaty magical goodness. What I came up with was trail mix. Not very original or thrilling at all, but delicious nonetheless.

My treat of the night consisted of equal parts soy nuts, almonds, peanuts, dried cranberries, and cocoa roasted almonds. Pumpkin seeds and cashews would have been good to add too, but I was on a limited grocery budget.

With trail mix in hand, my family and I enjoyed a splendid Starlite triple feature of Total Recall, The Dark Night Rises, and The Amazing Spiderman. A fantastic way to spend my last Friday before I returned to school.

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