Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Not Even a Goodbye Nibble

Last week I took a big leap forward in my food venture and began seeing a natural health concierge to manage my health through lifestyle choices rather than prescriptions and medical bills. I've been quite thrilled about the whole thing. I knew it would mean some changes, but I'm ready to end my perpetual sickness and feel well. The doctor and I had an initial meeting to discuss my interest in the process and then a second to hash out my history, situation, and goals. I waited as patiently as possible for the third visit, but it was tough. It's all just so exciting! The third visit was when I received my initial seven page report he compiled on what to eat to accomplish both the goals I view most important and the ones he sees as pertinent.

Now I knew going into this appointment that I was going to be making some diet altercations afterwards. That was the whole point and I was ready, or so I thought.

No meat. Hey not a problem, I'm vegetarian!

No dairy. Eh, I've been avoiding that for a few months now anyways. No big deal.

No black teas. Well that's not fun, but okay. Green tea is just as lovely.

No wheat. Whoa what? Hold on there. Just sticking to 100% whole wheat doesn't cut it? NONE AT ALL?!

And the list went on.

Wheat is a staple ingredient in just about every meal I make. I love bread. LOVE it. It's so scrumptious. Fluffy and crunchy at the same time. A daily delight for my taste buds. Of all the things he outlined for me at that appointment, eliminating wheat was the biggest blow. There were many things he covered in those seven pages, so I suppose I should be grateful that I'm only hung up on one detail. But golly, I didn't even get a last taste! Not a goodbye sandwich or even a farewell tortilla chip.

To make matters worse, I had baked a new bread recipe the day before and still had half the loaf left. It taunted me all weekend. I seriously contemplated cutting off a slice (or five) and starting the new and improved diet the next day, but I resisted. That would've been wrong and a weak way to start the food plan. I haven't caved and I hope I don't because I am committed to this nutrition lifestyle plan. However, had I known that piece I sliced from the warm freshly baked loaf Friday night would be my last wheaty bite, I would have snarfed down the entire loaf.

I'll miss you, wheat.

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