Thursday, July 26, 2012

2am Waffle Madness

Cooking everything from actual food takes more than ninety seconds. Yeah, the yellow powder in macaroni boxes isn't actually cheese. Plus, since I'm not microwaving at all (17 days and going strong!) there really isn't a quick cook option for me. But that does not mean delicious, amazingly healthy meals can't be ready at a moment's notice! It just takes careful planning and forethought.

My cousin Sara and I are experimenting with various techniques for prepping meals in advance so that we don't have to spend an hour or two in the kitchen every night. I'll post more on our mason jar endeavors another day, but first I want to highlight the waffle marathon we completed late Tuesday night.

We started a little before 9pm and finished at 2:30am. The idea is that by devoting one evening to making a bunch of buckwheat waffles, we can have frozen waffles for breakfasts and dinners for weeks to come.

I think we mixed four batches of buckwheat batter. It was super simple, just some organic buckwheat pancake and waffle mix, almond milk, eggs (from local chickens), olive oil, and honey.
I whisked batter and Sara ran the waffle iron. The first few rounds turned out a bit interesting, but we experimented and the last half of the waffle results look awesome. We found that filling the iron quite full had the best results since the batter filled the squares better.
We cooked until we ran out of milk. Then we let the waffles cool, wrapped them in pairs in tin foil, and put them in the freezer. By using tin foil to wrap them, we will be able to pop the packets directly into the toaster oven and they'll crisp evenly. These waffles also fit in my normal toaster, so that's a speedy option as well.

We didn't really get the quantity of waffles that we were hoping. This is a photo of the waffles minus the ones we ate along the way. It's been decided that next time we will have two irons going at once and mix the batter in one large batch. That should have better results I think.
It was a lot of fun regardless. They taste amazing by the way.

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