Monday, July 16, 2012


Finding cook books that accommodate an uber healthy/specialty diet is hard. Not that there aren't books out there, but definitely not as many for a whole foods gluten free vegan diet as there is for say grilling massive burgers or cooking pasta dishes. I like variety in my recipe options. Also, and more importantly, these books get expensive.

Lucky for me the world wide web exists and health conscious food enthusiasts are posting new recipes every day. Free recipes. Pinterest has been quite the handy tool for organizing the exciting recipes I come across. It's also been a really easy place to discover new dishes and find people to follow who share my culinary views.

If you haven't been trapped by the powers of Pinterest yet, I recommend checking it out. In the right hands it can be very helpful. One of my lovely cousins is also on this eat to live journey and we have created a joint pin board for recipes that meet both of our dietary needs.

You can check out the recipes we've pinned so far by following this link here.

Happy pinning!

1 comment:

  1. I just recently heard about Pinterest. I am getting married and have heard from friends that it has great ideas for weddings. So I assume it has so much information for other topics.
    I think that it is great that you are being so healthy I am very jealous of your lifestyle. after having a baby I need to start eating better too. Thanks for your tips on where to find great recipes!
