Sunday, July 29, 2012

When You'd Rather Watch than Read

This post is a quickie. My last post mentioned the books my Eat to Live book club has read, but I completely left out that we will be adding documentaries to our discussion topic repertoire. We haven't watched any as a group yet, but Dr. Garrett, our fearless leader, has recommended some that cousin Sara and I have watched together.

One is Food Inc. and the other is Forks Over Knives. Both were fantastic and eye opening, but oh my I just loved Forks Over Knives. It was seriously top-notch and totally covered the main health points we have been hitting in our book club lately. It talks about the dangers of dairy and genetically modified ingredients and the powerful impact not eating meat can have on a diet. I also loved the footage they filmed in Eastern countries before and after being exposed to a Western diet. It's really powerful stuff.

Here is the trailer to Forks Over Knives. It is available for instant streaming on Netflix and if you are a subscriber I highly suggest you check it out. Enjoy and I'll keep you posted when we start watching more films.

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